1542 1st AVE, Miami, FL, 33132
1542 1st AVE, Miami, FL, 33132Incredible Development Opportunity in the Vibrant Arts & Entertainment District!...
Commercial Land 137 Ave 25 St, Doral, FL, 33182
137 Ave 25 St, Doral, FL, 3318240 Acres (1,742,400 sq ft) of vacant land for sale...
Commercial Land 3719 Thomas Ave, Miami, FL, 33133
3719 Thomas Ave, Miami, FL, 33133Price reflects individual price for this lot which is being...
Commercial Land 3442 37th Ave, Miami, FL, 33142
3442 37th Ave, Miami, FL, 33142Price reflects individual price for this lot which is being...
Commercial Land 3718 Washington Ave, Miami, FL, 33133
3718 Washington Ave, Miami, FL, 33133Price reflets the individual price of this lot which is...
Commercial Land 3714 Washington Ave, Miami, FL, 33133
3714 Washington Ave, Miami, FL, 33133Price reflects the individual price of this lot being sold...
Commercial Land 3424 37th Ave, Miami, FL, 33142
3424 37th Ave, Miami, FL, 33142Price reflects this individual lot which is being sold in...
Commercial Land 3735 Washington Ave, Miami, FL, 33133
3735 Washington Ave, Miami, FL, 33133Price reflects the individual lot which is being sold in...
Commercial Land 3710 Grand Ave, Miami, FL, 33133
3710 Grand Ave, Miami, FL, 33133Price reflects the individual asking price for the surface parking...
Commercial Land 240th Street, Homestead, FL, 33031
240th Street, Homestead, FL, 330315 acres of cleared vacant land with electricity, ideally situated...
Commercial Land